You can do so by right-clicking on the speaker icon and going to “Sounds.” This time, you will be able to find “Windows Logon” option on your “Program Events” list. Now, you can proceed to change your Windows 10 startup song.

Press the “Enter” key on your keyboard.Paste “Computer\HKEY_CURRENT_USER\AppEvents\EventLabels\WindowsLogon” into the search box of the Registry Editor.In the dialogue box, type in “regedit.”.Press the ‘’Windows and R buttons on your keyboard.

However, if you can’t see these two options on the sound settings list, it means that you have to enable them by using Windows Registry Editor. When you right-click on the speaker icon in the bottom-right corner of your screen and go to “Sounds,” you will see a list called “Program Events.” On the list, you should see “Windows Logon” and “Windows logoff,” which you can also use to change your startup sound. Using that website, you can get lots of sounds for free.How to Modify Startup Sound Registry Files? If you want to customize sounds which play for various Windows events on your PC, is a great choice for you. Personally I downloaded the Windows Me (Windows Millennium Edition) startup sound because I like it very much, it made me nostalgic. I hope you will like something from those categories. Sounds are organized into three categories: has custom sound schemes as well as the default Windows sounds and even classic Windows sounds which were shipped with early versions of Windows and Plus! packs. I tried a few sound schemes and I liked them. All the sounds available on are completely free." We created this site to give you richer and more interesting sounds than the ones shipped by default with Windows. "You can download sounds and sound schemes for all Windows versions. It has a huge collection of various sounds and sound schemes. Luckily, we found a great web site for sounds! This made him really unhappy, so we decided to find some source for free sounds and sound schemes. He tried to find some good sound schemes, but all he found was some paid Stardock app with a proprietary soundpack format. He was bored with the default Windows sounds, which are very limited in Windows 8. This question was asked yesterday by one of my friends. RЕCOMMENDED: Click here to fix Windоws issues and optimize system performance