Theirs even objectives popping up about who has the disk! But theirs a problem.the server is empty, and so is the next, in fact all rounds servers are. Instantly you can tell this is the proper game, right here! textures are fully developed and you even recognise the city from the trailer and those wacky funny YouTube videos.

"Oh!" a thought emerges! "It's because I'm playing the wrong game-mode, silly me, obviously rounds is what people always cut videos of and what the game advertises!" So you jump in Rounds mode. What you will find is: getting RDMed non stop, dealing with toxic players non stop, and the game basically not functioning at all with missions in "worlds" being so boring you cant help but fall asleep at your desk. With wacky characters, and idiotic player acted bits to boot. Of course your like "I want to do that, that looks fun" and get the game, hoping it meets your expectations and you can experience that good good, business, American psycho "new card just came in from the printers", 80s, fun time. Your here because you saw some YouTubers play this game and have some funny, chaotic, balls-to-the-wall insane action roleplay experiences.

I know why your here, and why you want to get this game.